Virginia Kyudo Renmei
Dedicated to Providing an
Understanding and Instruction of
Traditonal Japanese Archery
Cherrydale, VA
Cherrydale Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD)
3900 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207
Note: Please enter through the double glass doors on North Pollard St. and go upstairs.
This dojo provides enough space to practice all the requisite Kyudo Taihai movements, but allows only makiwara shooting due to space limitations.

Every Saturday.
3:00pm - 6:00pm
(Request you arrive early enough to help setup the dojo, get yourself and equipment ready so practice can start on time.
$80 per month (Payable at the Capital Area Budokai Website: www.capitalareabudokai.org. Go to the Fees & Form tab and select one of the options under the title "PayPal - Membership Dues")
Limited on N. Pollard St. Be very mindful of parking signs which can lead to illegal parking/towing if not interpreted correctly. Additional parking may be available on 20th St. N. and N. Quincy St.
Fredricksburg, VA
6155 Hickory Ridge Rd
Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA 22551
This dojo offers enough space to practice all the requisite Kyudo Taihai movements. It also provides for outdoor, long distance shooting, weather permitting, and indoor makiwara shooting during other times.

Second and Fourth Sunday of every month
11:00am to 1:00pm
(Request you arrive an hour early to help setup the dojo, get yourselves and equipment ready so practice can start on time)
$10 per session. No charge for those who are continuing to pay month CAB dues​​​